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While some mainstream media sources will have you believe that bitcoin is only used for buying illicit drugs, contracting hitmen and laundering money, the truth is that it is being used for so much more than that – just like fiat currency. The latest example is a religious body that now allows members to donate using cryptocurrency.

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Swiss Bitcoin Church

Church in Zürich Accepts Donations in Bitcoin, BCH, Ether, Ripple and StellarICF Zurich, an evangelical church from the largest city in Switzerland, has begun accepting voluntary offerings from its parishioners using cryptocurrency. According to its website, the church accepts donations directly via bitcoin (BTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), ether (ETH), ripple (XRP) and stellar lumen (XLM).

“Digital currencies and the blockchain technology will change our daily lives more and more in the next years,” the spokesperson of the church, Nicolas Legler, told Swiss news agency Idea. “Cryptocurrencies will be implemented, be it Bitcoin or other currencies controlled by the State. We are convinced that this technology will soon belong to our daily lives. Twenty years ago, no one would have believed that internet would determine our lives so much,” he added.

Church in Zürich Accepts Donations in Bitcoin, BCH, Ether, Ripple and Stellar
“We also accept donations in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ripple and Stellar Lumen.”

Preaching to the Young

Church in Zürich Accepts Donations in Bitcoin, BCH, Ether, Ripple and StellarAccording to an evangelical European news portal, this church is known for its use of all kinds of new technologies in its worship services and has many young members, some of which “are increasingly using this way of doing financial transfers.” This explains the choice of accepting cryptocurrency now, as the invention has taken a strong hold on early adopters in Switzerland, as it can help the church appear innovative and relevant to them.

We should also note that this is just another example of how young people are changing the donations practice. A couple of notable other examples include Pineapple Fund, the $86 million bitcoin charity which contributed towards developing MDMA as a treatment for PTSD, scalable healthcare in Nepal, combating elephant poachers, testing universal basic income in Africa, and much more; as well as Paxful’s #BuiltWithBitcoin initiative to help fund 100 schools in developing countries.

Is bitcoin acceptance an effective way of reaching young believers? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

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